Applicant criteria
- No specific age required
- Both
Opportunity criteria
Opportunity description
It is open to anyone residing anywhere in the world. Entries must be written in English.
Deadline: 30th June 2025
Word limit: 2,500 words maximum, no minimum
1st: £1,000
2nd: £200
3rd: £100
3x highly commended: £70
14 x shortlisted: £35 (All shortlisted stories are published in an anthology).
In addition to the £1,000 cash prize, the winner’s head will appear on the front cover of the next To Hull And Back Anthology. They will be depicted riding a flaming motorcycle and holding a quill of wrath. The winner’s copy of the book will be strapped to a Harley Davidson and filmed being ridden to Hull. And back. The winner can make the journey on the motorbike if they wish and appear in the video.
Entry fee:
Early-bird entry fee (until 31st March 2025): £10 for 1 story, £17 for 2 stories, £20 for 3 stories
From 1st April 2025 to 30th June 2025: £12 for 1 story, £20 for 2 stories, £24 for 3 stories
1st: £1,000
2nd: £200
3rd: £100
3x highly commended: £70
14 x shortlisted: £35 (All shortlisted stories are published in an anthology).
Eligibility criteria
– Entrants should send their first 20 pages plus 200-word synopsis
– Over 18s only