Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy

Thank you for choosing Forsa. Our website respects your privacy and is keen to protect your personal data. To learn more, please read this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and disclose your personal information. It also mentions and clarifies all the parties to whom we can disclose your personal data. Finally, this policy explains the procedures we have taken to secure your personal information.

By using the Forsa website and benefiting from our services, you accept the practices described in this Policy.

References in this Privacy Policy to "we", "our" or "us" (or similar) are references to for9a.com. References in "user" or "you" (or equivalent) are references to you as an individual or legal entity as the case may be.

What data we may collect From You?

We may collect and process the following Information about you:

  • Any data that you provide to us when registering a new account on Forsa, such as your email address.
  • Any data or information you provide when creating a profile on Forsa - for example, your full name, profile pictures, gender, date of birth, phone number, and address.
  • Information that you provide by filling in forms on our Platform, including information provided at the time of registering to use our Platform and other co-registrations (e.g. social media logins), subscribing to our Services, posting material or requesting further services;
  • The Information you provide when you enroll to an online course, provide reviews, testimonials or feedback on our platform.
  • A record of correspondence if you contact us.
  • General, aggregated demographic and non-personal Information.
  • If you download or use our mobile application, we may have access to details about your location and your mobile device, including a unique identifier for your device.
  • Details of transactions you carry out through our platform and of the fulfillment of your orders.
  • Details about your computer, including but not limited to your IP address, operating system, and browser type, as well as information about your general internet usage (e.g. by using technology that stores information on or gains access to your device, such as cookies, tracking pixels, web beacons, etc., (known as: "Cookies")).
  • Your email address from a third party if you indicate that you have consented to that third party sharing your Information with us; and any other information we consider necessary to enhance your experience on the platform.
  • Your answers to our tests and quizzes.

How does the Forsa website use your information?

We may use Information held about you in the following ways:

  • Managing and operating the site on the Internet.
  • Improving our Services to deliver a better and more personalized experience for you.
  • Sending newsletters to your personal email which might include: the latest offers, discounts on our paid services, opportunities updates, and any other updates we find are of interest to you. Knowing that you can opt-out at any time from this service.
  • To provide you with information or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you, where you have consented to be contacted for such purposes.
  • To provide you with location-based services, such as advertising, search results, and other personalized content.
  • To carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and another entity using our platform or between you and us.
  • To improve our Services and to deliver a better and more personalized service to you.
  • To ensure that content from our platform is presented in the most effective manner for you and the device you use to access our platform;
  • To notify you about changes to our services;
  • For any other reason which we deem necessary to enhance your experience of the platform;
  • To administer and manage our incentives programs and fulfill your requests for incentives, and/or to allow you to participate in competitions and to notify you if you are a won a competition held by our team.
  • Providing third parties with statistical information about Forsa's users (noting that these parties will not be able to identify these users or track their locations using the data given to them).
  • Protect the Forsa website from fraud, and maintain its security.
  • Any other ways we see necessary to enhance your experience on our website.

To whom Forsa may disclose your information?

Your personal data is considered a top priority. Therefore, Forsa will share your information only as described below:

  • Your personal information may be disclosed to law enforcement agencies, government agencies, and any third parties to whom Forsa is obligated to disclose User Data by an official court order or other legal departments.
  • Your personal information may be disclosed when it is believed that disclosure would prevent physical harm or financial loss, or for the purpose of reporting suspicious activity or to investigate cases of suspected violation of the terms and conditions of the user agreement, where this is legally done by a formal court order.
  • In the event that the ownership of the Forsa website is transferred to another authority or sold, your personal information may be disclosed to the buyer in order to keep the site active.
  • Other Businesses. To offer you our Services, we may engage with businesses who are affiliates of us and/or non-affiliated service providers.

Our platform may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers, and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not take any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data or other information to these websites.

Storage of Information and Security Measures

Forsa maintains the personal data of users in a special database outside the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Appropriate security measures and procedures are used to prevent any unauthorized access, loss, or destruction of your information, including firewall systems on all site servers, or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and other protection protocols. In addition, only authorized employees, service providers, and agents who need this data to carry out their work are allowed to access the personal data of users.

It is worth noting that the Internet, however, is still not 100% secure, so we strongly advise you not to share your credit card information via emails or SMS messages over the phone with any third parties that may claim to be affiliated with Forsa. It is also your responsibility to protect your password and your personal computer or smartphone from any unauthorized use.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

When you use the Services, We may use cookies and other IT functions to collect your Data. Cookies are small text files that are automatically created by your browser and stored on your device when you connect to the Website or the Application and use the Services.

We use cookies that will not be saved on your device or which will only be saved on your device for as long as your browser is active (e.g. session cookies) or which will be saved on your device for a longer period (e.g. persistent cookies) for the following purposes: (i) the provision of the Services, (ii) your technical support and the enhancement of the Services, (iii) the improvement of your user experience and (iv) to show you personalized advertising under your consent.

You have the choice to refuse to keep all or certain of the cookies in your browser or to disable all or certain cookies, after accepting their deposit on your browser, by configuring your settings. With regard to the use of advertising-related or personalization-related technologies, you can determine whether you consent or not to the use of cookies for marketing purposes.

How can you access your personal information?

You are able to access a broad range of information about your account and your interactions with the platform for the purpose of viewing and, in certain cases, updating your Information.

Examples of information you can access easily on the platform include

  • Up-to-date information regarding recent orders.
  • Personally identifiable information (including name, e-mail, password, communications, and personalized advertising preferences).
  • Payment settings (including credit card information); and e-mail notification settings.
  • Personality test results.

Data Amendment and Deletion

You can easily amend this data at any time, and you can also unsubscribe from the newsletter by contacting us at info@for9a.com

You may also apply for the deletion of all your data on the Site by sending an email to info@for9a.com and specifying why you wish to delete the data. The Forsa team will then remove all your data from the databases and all servers of the site.