Applicant criteria
NationalityNo specific nationality required
- No specific age required
- Both
Opportunity criteria
Opportunity FieldPhotography and Filmmaking
Opportunity description
EASYART美直购©, a Chinese platform for modern art sales, organizes the Smartphone Photography Competition. Photos entered into the competition must be taken with a smartphone.
The Smartphone Photography Competition has the following categories:
- People
- Creativity
- Nature
- Documentary
- Black & White
- Still Life
- Series
Entry fees: Free
The Photographer of the Year awards:
- 1st prize: 5,000 RMB
- 2nd prize: 3,000 RMB
- 3rd prize: 1,000 RMB
Category awards (1st, 2nd, 3rd, Honorable Mentions): 500 RMB
Visit the official competition website for more information.
Chance to win cash prizes, showcase your photography, and increase your fame as a photographer.
Eligibility criteria
The competition is open to all photographers worldwide. Photos must be taken with a smartphone.